Update following AGM

At this weeks AGM, the club saw a bit of a refresh to the committee, while also seeing stability to take the club forward into 2024.

Grant Jones remains President of the club being elected unopposed and is joined by a new Vice President of the senior club, Luke Cochrane.

Luke has a long association with the club with 15 years as a player, coach, Director of First Division Rugby and many other volunteer roles.

On Luke’s appointment as Vice President, Grant stated ‘I can’t think of a better, more qualified person to step into the role of Vice President of the club. Through his involvement with the club over so many years, including the lower grades, Luke has a really good understand of what is required to make our club work and has been a great asset to me and the club in recent years and I am so grateful to him for taking on this role at the club to continue his work’.

Joining Luke as new committee members of the senior club are long-term player Brian Muller who takes up a general committee position with a focus on managing our kit and merchandise and we are looking forward to him putting a new emphasis on that and Sam French, also a general committee position with a focus on Rugby Operations.

On these appointments, Grant commented ‘It is so good to see someone like Brian join the committee as a current player who wants to make a contribution and be willing to step up and take on this role, we can do so much more with our merchandise range and having someone as capable as Brian will ensure we realise the potential we have through our partner O’Neills’. He continued ‘And to have our 2022 Premiership winning coach Sam French join our committee to provide that experience and knowledge to the committee is so valuable. Sam has been there and done that and to have someone like him for the coaches and managers to go to for help will ensure we are able to support them in their roles.’

Our junior club held its own AGM a couple of weeks ago which saw Jo Cave step down as President after an amazing 7 years serving the club in the role. The senior club would like to acknowledge Jo’s contribution to the club in that time and thank her for the enormous amount of work that she did with the help of Jane Nicholls and Hannah Harvey. This has seen Sarah Nelson step into the role of President of the junior club and it has been great to get a committee of 10 to progress the club. This role sees Sarah serve as a Vice President of the senior club.

Grant Jones would like to thank the outgoing members of the committee ‘To Mick Douros, Jimmy Maher, Brian Gordon and Vince Townsend, I say thank you on behalf of our club for your contribution. Serving on our committee is often a thankless task and they have all played their part in ensuring our club functions as it does and enjoyed the success it has while they have been on. I mentioned at the AGM what they were each able to deliver and just can’t say thank you enough’.

There remains one vacant general committee position with a focus on Operations of the Bar and Canteen and managing the change-rooms and Whitehouse, we have some fabulous volunteers that are willing to do a lot of the work required in these areas, we are just in need of someone to be the point of contact and manage this part of the club on the committee, please reach out to club Secretary Melanie Debenham if you would like to consider the position.


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