Life Membership - Franca Jones

The Queanbeyan Whites Rugby Union Club held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday the 8th of December, where Franca Jones was nominated for Life Membership by existing Life Member Ian Hunt. The following was the words read to the members present.

‘I have nominated Franca Jones for Life Membership of the Queanbeyan Rugby Club.

Franca became involved with the club in the early 1980's when she and future husband David were partners.

Since 1982 when she represented the Club as Miss Queanbeyan Rugby, Franca has continued as a valuable supporter, organiser and an asset to the Club that could be relied upon. The functions that she has made happen and the work that she has done for the club is up there with the high achievers who are already Life Members.

Franca has been involved with the Club for 41 years and has served on the Clubs committee and in many other roles during this time.

Franca is part of the group that are now in negotiations between various authorities and developers in relation to licensed club at Googong. Franca's involvement will only enhance the chances of the Club securing a source of income from this proposal.

Franca's achievements for the Club, its players and supporters are outstanding and no doubt remembered by many here tonight. Considering who is here tonight there should be no doubt that Franca's awarding of Life Membership of Queanbeyan Rugby Football Club is well deserved.

Franca is a fully paid member of the Queanbefan Rugby Football Club Written testimonials have been provided by Robert Brady and Brian Gordon. Existing Life Members have been contacted by email or in person by the Football Committee and they have all voted on supporting awarding life membership to Franca.

The nomination for Life membership of the Club has been unanimously supported by the Football Club Commitee and the existing Life Members and satisfies the conditions of awarding Life Membership that are included in the constitution.’

Following Ian’s speech, members present unanimously supported the nomination of Franca’s Life Membership and the club thanks Franca for her contribution and congratulate her on this worthy recognition. Franca was unaware of her nomination prior to the night, was emotional when Ian was reading the nomination and thanked the members present.


Franca Jones with club President Mick Pini


2021 President’s Report


Queanbeyan whites rugby union club - AGM Update